The Coffin Texts

The Coffin Texts are a collection of more than a thousand ancient Egyptian funerary spells often, but not exclusivly found on the inside of box-shaped coffins from the First Intermediate Periods onwards. Selected spells were also written on tomb walls, stelae, canopic chests, papyri and mummy masks. They are partially derived from the earlier Pyramid Texts, and some Coffin Text spells were later copied in the Book of the Dead, one of the major guidebooks to the Underworld during the New Kingdom. The aim of the spells was to secure a well-provided afterlife for the deceased by giving him power over spirits, ensure safe travel through the Netherworld and legitimize his claims to be amongst the gods' followers.

Spells 1-99
Spell 1; Spell 2; Spell 3; Spell 4; Spell 5; Spell 6; Spell 7; Spell 8; Spell 9; Spell 10;
Spell 11; Spell 12; Spell 13; Spell 14; Spell 15