Tuesday, 18 April 2017

The Tomb of Userhat - Excavated in 2017

The Ministry of Antiquities has excavated the tomb of Userhat, an official who lived during the 18th Dynasty. The tomb is situated in Dra Abu el Naga North, next to the tomb of Roy (TT 255). The Ministry announced the "(re)discovery" today on facebook

Map showing part of the necropolis of Dra Abu el Naga North with tomb TT -157- aka the tomb of Userhat (from Kampp, FrederikeDie thebanischen Nekropole. Zum Wandel des Grabgedankens von der XVIII. bis zur XX. Dynastie (= Theben, 13), Mainz 1996)

The tomb was numbered TT -157- during the extensive survey by Friederike Kampp-Seyfried, now the head of the Egyptian Museum in Berlin, during the 1990s. At that time only the courtyard and part of the entrance was visible. The inner chambers were buried under thick layers of rubble and debris. She also provided a careful dating to the times of Thutmosis III.

The Egyptian excavation revealed it to be a T-shaped tomb with a rectangular open courtyard, a broad hall, a corridor and an inner chamber. According to the Ministry of Antiquities a 9 m deep shaft was discovered in the broad hall with two chambers at its bottom, one to the east and one to the west. 

The excavation of the Egyptian team revealed massive finds from the Third Intermediate Period: decorated wooden coffins with their mummies still inside, about a 1000 shawabtis made of clay, wood and fayence, as well as a significant amount of pottery and human remains.

It may be possible that this is the tomb of one Userhat who owned TT A17. He was the head of the measurers of the granary of the estate of Amun. His tomb, A17, is mentioned in Porter/Moss I.1, p. 452 and was already known to Robert Hay at the beginning of the 19th century. His wife was named Hathor. The paragraph in Porter/Moss is rather short and only mentions two scenes, one with the deceased and his wife before Osiris and Hathor in a kiosk and another one with them adoring the Theban Triad.

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